by the way, bukan artinya checklistnya mesti ke-contreng semuanya ya... kira2 aja, kalo anak udah mulai keliatan pengen belajar ke toilet sendiri atau udah keliatan pengen mandiri, mungkin emang udah waktunya.
Tanda2 fisik
udah bisa jalan dan lari dengan stabil
sekali pipis lumayan banyak
jadwal pup-nya lumayan ketebak (kurang lebih jam yang sama, etc).
antara satu pipis dengan pipis yang lain berjarak kira2 3-4 jam. ini menunjukan otot bladdernya udah cukup kuat untuk nahan pipis.
Tanda2 tingkah laku
bisa duduk diem selama 2-5 menit
bisa naikin dan turunin celana sendiri
ga suka pake diaper yang udah basah
tertarik ama aktifitas di WC (misalnya, suka nonton kita pipis, atau pengen pake celana dalam, bukan popok)
member sign kalo lagi pup, misalnya dai otomatis jongkok, atau bunyi2 pas ngeden, atau malah bilang ke kita dia mo pup.
menunjukan keinginan utk mandiri
bangga kalo berhasil mengerjakan sesuatu
dalam fase ga menolak kalo diajarin utk pakai toilet
generally, dalam fase yang ga rewel... (bukan pas fase toddler bilang "no to everything"
Tanda2 cognitive
udah bisa ngikutin suruhan2 mudah, misalnya "ambil mainan yang itu".
udah ngerti pentingnya "semua barang ada tempatnya"
udah bisa bilang "pup" dan "pipis" atau kata apapun yang nandain itu.
udah bisa ngerasain kalo udah mo pup atau mo pipis.
sumber :
When to start potty training
Don't begin training until your child shows signs that he/she is ready. Every child is different. Most are ready for training between 2 years and 2+ years (Some as young as 18 months or as old as 3 years).
Start at a time when you can spend a lot of time with your child, when your child seems complacent, happy and there are no major distractions or traumatic events in his/her life (new sibling, divorce, moving, new caretaker etc.).
Common signs of toilet training readiness:
- Your child has bowel movements at about the same time every day.
- Your child can stay dry for a few hours, or wakes up from sleep dry.
- Your child knows that he/she has to go to the bathroom
- Your child understands the association between dry pants and using the potty.
- Your child lets you know when he/she has wet or soiled her diapers.
- Your child can pull his/her pants up and down.
- Your child can follow simple directions like "lets go to the potty."
- Your child understands what "pee, poop, dry, wet, clean, dirty and potty" mean.
- Your child can tell you he/she has to go to the bathroom.
- Your child imitates other members of the family.
- Your child watches you on the toilet and asks questions.
- Your child wants to do things by herself/himself.
- Your child enjoys washing his/her hands.
- Your child gets upset if his/her belongings are not in their proper place.
- Your child wants to please you.
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