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Friday, October 28, 2011

Baby Gender Prediction

Baby Gender Predictor Test

Currently pregnant? Want to find out the sex of your baby instantly before getting an ultrasound? Baby Gender Predictor can help!
All you need to provide is:

  • Mother's date of birth
  • Father's date of birth
  • Approximate date of conception
If you are not currently pregnant enter the date you hope to become pregnant for your future baby's gender prediction. Then sit back and let the Baby Gender Predictor work its magic!


Free Baby Gender Predictor

It is based on biological rhythms of baby's parents. If you, or your spouse, had any major blood transfusion in your life, this Baby Gender Predictor might not predict the sex of your baby correctly. To sound more scientifically legitimate, I will say that this gender prediction formula tries to determine which chromosomes will be stronger at the time of conception: female XX or male XY. All you need is to give your and your partner’s date of birth.
You will see 4-Year Gender Prediction Calendar similar to the sample shown below. Previous year is included just in case you are already pregnant so you can find out the gender of your baby. And if you are planning your baby - this calendar will help you to choose/influence the sex of you child.
Boy or Girl! Just pick the month of conception. Depending on birthdays of the parents, for some months, both chromosomes might be equal in strength so during those months you will not be able to influence the gender of your baby.


Chinese Lunar Calendar

This ancient Chinese pregnancy calendar was allegedly discovered by a Chinese scientist about 700 years ago in a tomb near Beijing. This pregnancy calendar is supposed to determine baby's gender based upon mother's age and the month of conception!
Use this conception chart if mother is/was between the ages of 18 and 45 at the time of conception. Some sources say this Chinese Conception Chart is 93% accurate and some other reports suggest that this chart has slightly better than 50/50 accuracy.

Try it out and see if it works for your kids. Try it for other children.

click here : http://www.select-baby-gender.com/chinese-lunar-calendar.aspx